Ok, so... McDonald's is now serving espresso-type drinks as part of their menu. After years of commercials focusing in on the "urban market" (read: low-income minority groups) as part of the "I'm Lovin' It" campaign, McDonald's is now targeting blue-collar white people who enjoy specialty coffee drinks. Yes, McDonald's is attempting to convince consumers that the only reason that people frequent places that serve lattes and cappucinos is because they enjoy the coffee beverages. Their current "Intellectuals" ad campaign shows people who, upon finding out about McCafe, express glee at the fact they don't have to pretend to enjoy the atmosphere of a Starbucks-like environment anymore in order to access said espresso beverages.
Now, Dunkin' Donuts used a similar tactic when it introduced lattes to their menu which spoke to the pretentiousness of having to order things that sounded "French... or Italian... or maybe Fretalian" with the appeal to the blue-collar individuals that WOULD feel uncomfortable sitting in a Starbucks for any length of time. (My mother comes to mind.) However, to suggest that people who DO go to small coffee houses or to Starbucks are somehow pretending to like it is ridiculous.
The thing that I particularly despise about this ad campaign is how McDonald's, in attempting to address the blue-collar aversion to coffee houses, begins listing all of the things that these espresso-loving patrons are free to do (or not do) now that they are somehow able to extricate themselves from the chains that bind them to Starbucks. Some of the examples include:
- wanting to show their knees again
- admit that they don't know where Paraguay is
- finally wearing heels again
- not having to listen to jazz
- watching reality television and reading gossip magazines
- confess that they don't know French
- watching football
- removing their fake eyeglasses
Is McDonald's really trying to suggest that bunches of women out there are just dying to wear short skirts and heels but feel they can't do so because of espresso-based coffee shops? Are they really trying to convince me that many people in coffee shops are morons who are just pretending to know things like geography or foreign language in order to sip on a frozen coffee drink? Or that people who spend time in Starbucks are just itching to get out to their car to listen to Kid Rock or Kanye?
Ok, I can honestly tell you that my aversion to wearing high heels has NOTHING to do with wanting a latte from Starbucks. I wouldn't wear a short skirt if you paid me. I know where Paraguay is. And I'm not going to pretend that I know French... no matter where I am purchasing coffee. Quite simply, McDonald's can suck it. I am tired of advertisers promoting the idea that to be truly American means to be ignorant, uncultured, and self-exploitative. And, quite simply, who can imagine enjoying a quiet discussion with a friend over coffee while sitting at McDonald's smelling the aroma of lard-soaked meat products, trying to keep your arms from touching the sticky tables, and being caught up in a glare-down with the annoying toddler at the next table who won't stop looking at you with snot running down his face?