I often describe myself as being perpetually 14 years old. Hence, I am stuck in a state of arrested development and therefore cannot really handle the daily shattering of this 14-year-old worldview that is brought on by the forced reconnections with Facebook people from my past.
Here's the thing... I guess I thought that everyone in Generation X was supposed to stay angry and disillusioned with life. Forever. I thought that WE were going to be different. We wouldn't sell out by getting married or having babies or working in a soul-sucking job so that we could afford a mortgage and an SUV. I thought we were going to learn from the pathetically miserable lives that our sell-out Baby Boomer parents ended up adopting once they decided to give up on changing the world.
So, in my mind, we are all supposed to still be the same people we were twenty years ago. No kids, no spouses. We are still supposed to loathe our parents and have tentative relationships with our siblings. None of this "family" forgiveness/integration crap where you suddenly have aunties and grandmas where you once had a "bitch" for a sister or mother.
I just don't GET it. How does that happen? Is it just that life sort of takes over and you succumb to what everyone is doing? Is it really the whole biological clock thing? Is it just what happens as people age? If so, I am implicating Facebook in this assault on my entire worldview.