Forced Rape Survivors to Pay for Rape Kit. I don't really think I need to say more, but I will anyway. Sarah Palin rejected federal funding that would pay for rape survivors to have a forensic medical exam and invoiced survivors after their ordeal. Do you understand the implication of this action? Women, who sometimes have a difficult time reporting sexual assault to begin with, had to consider whether they could afford medical treatment before reporting. This potentially aids perpetrators in committing future assaults. Is this the kind of woman you want anywhere near the White House?
Irresponsible Breeder of Children (and Grandchildren.) Stop fucking having kids already! Didn't getting knocked up by YOUR high school boyfriend teach you that maybe you should help your daughter to practice safe sex? Of course it didn't. As with many irresponsible, batshit-crazy, right-wing zealots, you believe that women exist as incubators and should not curb their baby-making for any reason. Even if technologically possible to do so. Indeed, you seem to believe that unplanned children are "a gift from God." Well, I say that God (non-existent) should send gift receipts with those fuckers so that people could exchange them for, say, some nice throw pillows or a new blender from Target.
Psychopathic, Blood-Thirsty, Gun-Crazy Murderer. Even if you are NOT an animal rights activist, I think that most sane people realize that it is sick and twisted to hunt wild animals today. Indeed, how can we acknowledge that most psychopaths have symptoms of ritualistic animal abuse in their past and then glorify someone who kills animals with their children? Not to mention trying to keep polar bears from the endangered species list so that more hunters could come and kill these animals who are fast on their way to extinction. Not to mention putting a $150 bounty on the front forepaw of any wolves killed in Alaska. Fucking psychotic.
And the #1 Reason Why I Have to Hate Sarah Palin... because she would overturn Roe v. Wade. Enough said.