Monday, September 8, 2008

Because I Have to Hate... Facebook

So, I broke down and joined Facebook. I'm not sure why I did it. I can tell you that I didn't think it was possible, but Facebook is even more shallow and frivolous than MySpace. At least there is content on MySpace... Facebook simply lets you know what friend has "Superpoked" another friend. WTF? Look, if someone is actually getting superpoked, I prefer it to be written on their MySpace blog and include all the juicy details... not some stupid cyber application designed for middle school kids. Not to mention, Facebook automatically presents you with people you "might know" due to your connections or mutual friends. So, when I log onto Facebook, I get to see a photo of my ex-boyfriend! Thanks for THAT daily gift, Facebook! Call me reclusive, bitter, and secretive, but I much prefer the fact that on MySpace, one has to actually go LOOKING for people that you might want to reconnect with.

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